Who is the Kentucky Health Collaborative (KHC)?
The KHC was established in March 2016 and is comprised of ten (10) leading healthcare systems, representing 65 hospitals across Kentucky as well as locations in Indiana and West Virginia.
Which hospitals are members of the KHC?
KHC Members: Appalachian Regional Healthcare (ARH), Baptist Health, Ephraim McDowell Health, LifePoint Health, Med Center Health, Norton Healthcare, Owensboro Health, St. Claire HealthCare, St. Elizabeth Healthcare, and UK HealthCare.
What is the purpose of the KHC?
The KHC serves as a vehicle for the Members to collaborate, on subjects related to healthcare reform, quality, policy, advocacy, and economies of scale, and share expenses and expertise with respect to Collaborative Initiatives.
Is the Kentucky Health Collaborative (KHC) an Integrated Delivery Network (IDN) or a Group Purchasing Organization (GPO)?
No, the KHC is not an IDN nor a GPO. The KHC is a Strategic Regional Healthcare Organization (SRHO), aimed at producing many of the same benefits while addressing local and regional healthcare needs without financial or organizational consolidation.
Is the KHC funded by outside interest groups?
No. The KHC and its Initiatives are funded solely by its members.
Can I become a member of the KHC?
No. The KHC is a privately owned and operated venture, held solely by its members. Options for public membership is not available currently.
Does every KHC Member participate in every KHC Cost Savings Initiative?
No. All KHC initiatives are “Opt-In” such that each Member organization elects to participate (or not participate) in a given initiative based on its organizational needs and requirements at the time of the initiative.